Sunday 6 May 2012

Green Super Salad

I made ​​this salad to my good friend and food enthusiast who listed it as one of her top five vegetarian dishes. I take that as a compliment since she is not a vegetarian, and like plain good food with balanced flavors. I promised to give her the recipe and took the time to make a long lost blog post in my bit to hectic schedule these days. I will soon be back stronger and better:).

The salad consists of only green ingredients
full of nutrients and chlorophyll that will give your cells a great party. With pumpkin seeds and mung beans it is a full meal with complete proteins as well. Hidden in all the greens you will find raw zucchini pasta (which is easy to make with a potato peeler), a filling basil paste, and as I mentioned mung beans.

Recipe for 2 hungry people:

Mung beans:

1-2 dl mung beans depending on how hungry you are

Put them to boil before you do the salad. Let them boil according to instructions on package. I usually boil them for about 30 minutes. Pour off the water when finished, and leave them to put on top of the salad before serving.

Raw pasta with basil paste:

1 green zucchini (organic is definitely best)
1 basil plant
1 large handful of walnuts
1 dl extra virgin olive oil
1 pinch sea salt (ot to taste)
1/2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice if you have

Cut the zucchini lengthwise into thin slices with the potato peeler, or use a spiralizer if you have one. Mix all the other ingredients into a smooth paste with a blender. Stir the basil paste in with the raw pasta in a large bowl.

For the salad:

1 heart salad (very good now in season and stays crispy)
2 handfuls rocket salad
1 small leek
1 handful of pumpkin seeds

Tear the heart salad into pieces, and cut the rocket salad into smaller pieces before mixing in with the raw pasta. Cut the leek in small slices and mix gently in with the salad. Sprinkle the pumpkin seeds and the mung beans on top along with some freshly ground black pepper before serving. Add a little more olive oil and sea salt to taste if you want. To make it a bit more hot, you can top it with some green chili or tabasco sauce. 

Hope you like it!

Oppskrift til 2 sultne personer:


1-2 dl mungbønner avhengig av hvor sultne dere er

Sett disse til koking før du begynner med resten av salaten. La de koke i følge instruksene på pakken. Jeg pleier å koke de i ca 30 min. Hell av vannet når de er ferdige, og la stå til å legge over salaten før servering.

Rå pasta med basilikum paste:

1 grønn squash (økologisk er absolutt best)
1 basilikum plante
1 stor neve valnøtter
1 dl extra virgin olivenolje
1 klype havsalt (smak til)
1/2 ss ferskpresset sitron hvis du har

Kutt squashen på langs i tynne skiver med en potet skreller, eller bruk en spiralizer hvis du har. 

Bland de andre ingrediensene til en jevn saus med en stavmikser. Rør basilikum pasten inn med squashen i en stor bolle.

Til salaten:

1 hjertesalat (spesielt god nå i sesong og holder seg krispy)
2 never ruccola salat
1 liten purreløk
1 neve gresskarkjerner

Nykvernet sort pepper etter smak

Riv hjertesalaten i biter, og klipp eller kutt opp ruccolasalaten i mindre biter. Bland inn med den rå pastaen. Kutt deretter opp purreløken og bland forsiktig inn. Til slutt strør du gresskarkjerner på toppen sammen med mungbønnene og nykvernet sort pepper. Tilsett litt mer olivenolje og havsalt etter smak, og hvis du vil ha den litt sterkere kan du toppe med litt grønn chili eller tabasco saus. 

Håper det smaker!

Friday 10 February 2012

Colour Me Happy Lunch

I ususally eat very simple meals like this. It is really easy to make, and also affordable if you want to eat only organic. One serving of organic beans will cost you about 4 Norwegian kroner if you prepare them yourself (which I recommend). Then you can pay a little extra to get organic vegetables.  

This lunch has no strict recipe. I measure about 1 dl uncooked beans for 2 people, or for two meals. The beans must soak overnight, and will cook while you do the morning routine. Then, you just add a selection of vegetables you have available, a good olive oil and some spices.

For this salad I used black beans, red cabbage, yellow peppers and some green salad leaves. In the oil dressing, I used a little cummen, some sea salt and black pepper. Serve with some bread or crackers if you like. 

The art of cabbage:

Thursday 9 February 2012

Crunchy Kale

Inspired by some salad chips I saw at the health food store yesterday, I went home and made ​​my own version. I used the super food - kale - as a base, and dipped the leaves in a mixture of tomatoes, herbs and almonds before roasting them in the oven for some time, quite some time actually.

It is the easiest 200 g kale I've ever consumed. I had to limit myself from eating to much kale! The need for salty snacks was completely satisfied, and I felt rejoiced by the supply of all the antioxidants and vitamins in the colourful and tasty setting. 


200 g kale
150 g almonds
20 cherry tomatoes
1 shallot
2 stalks fresh rosemary
The desired amount of cayenne pepper
The desired amount of sea salt, or Herbamare herbal salt that I used

Set the oven to 80-100 degrees. Rinse the kale well and remove the tough stems. Tear the leaves into small pieces. 
In a food processor blend the other ingredients until smooth. Then mix the kale in with the almond mixture, and spread everything out evenly in a pan.  Let it dry in the oven for about 2-3 hours before they start to become crispy. I let the door barely open sometimes so that the moisture could evaporate. When crunchy enough, let them cool down in the oven. 
There were some almond mixture remaining in the pan that tasted wonderful to sprinkle over a salad.


200 g grønnkål
150 g mandler
20 cherrytomater
1 sjalottløk
2 stilker fersk rosmarin
Ønsket mengde cayennepepper
Ønsket mengde havsalt, eller Herbamare urtesalt som jeg brukte

Sett ovnen på 80 - 100 grader. Skyll grønnkålen godt og fjern de harde stilkene. Riv så bladene i passe store biter.
I en kjøkkenmaskin blender du de andre ingrediensene til en jevn masse. Bland deretter grønnkålen med massen og fordel alt jevnt utover i en langpanne. La tørke i ovnen ca 2- 3 timer før de begynner å bli sprø. Jeg lot døren stå såvidt på gløtt noen ganger slik at fuktigheten kunne fordampe. 
Hvis du har varmluftsovn kan det nok gå fortere. Prøv deg frem. Det viktigste er å la de steke på lav varme til de er sprø. Når du er fornøyd, skru av, og la de kjøle ned i ovnen.

Det ble en del mandel blanding igjen i panna som smakte herlig som strø over en salat.

Monday 23 January 2012

Carrot & Fresh Tumeric Creamy Soup

This bright yellow soup is just what you need on a cold January day to keep the doctor away. Full of nature's own antibiotic and anti-inflammatory ingredients you will keep the bacteria and viruses at bay, while you enjoy a tasty soup. That's what I call a bargain. If you can't get hold of fresh turmeric root, you can replace it with the dried option.


1 yellow onion
2-3 cloves garlic
1 pinch cayenne pepper
3 cm of turmeric root
4 carrots
1 lime
2 dl cashews (soaked)
1 L water

Sea salt to taste

Add cashews to soak. Chop the onion and warm a little olive- or coconut oil in a saucepan. Let the onions fry golden, and rasp the turmeric root in the saucepan (if you use dried turmeric you may heat it in the oil before adding the onion).  

Add the water and let boil. Add the garlic and cayenne pepper to the water, and cut the carrots into small pieces before adding them in. Let cook until the carrots are soft. Then press the lime over, and add the cashews. Mix to a creamy smooth soup with a hand blender. Add seasalt at the end and serve. 


1 gul løk
2-3 fedd hvitløk
1 knivsodd cayennepepper
3 cm av en gurkemeie rot
4 gulrøtter
1 lime
2 dl cashewnøtter (bløtlagte)
1 Liter vann

Smaksett med havsalt

Legg cashewnøtter i bløt. Kutt opp løken og varm litt oliven- eller kokosolje i en kjele. La løken stekes gyllen, og rasp gurkemeie over (hvis du bruker tørket gurkemeie kan dette varmes i oljen sammen med løken). Hell deretter over vann og la koke opp. Tilsett presset hvitløk og cayennepepper. Kutt opp gulrøttene i mindre biter, og putt i kjelen. La koke til gulrøttene er myke. Press så i lime, og legg i cashewnøttene. Miks til en kremete jevn suppe med en stavmikser. Smaksett med havsalt til slutt.

Sunday 15 January 2012

Buckwheat burgers with Jerusalem artichoke noodles

Jerusalem artichoke "noodles" is an absolutely new favorite. By serving them with hemp seeds and/or nuts on top, they can easily be served for themselves. For those who want to make vegetarian burgers without egg, buckwheat is the perfect base since it has such good binding properties. The rest of the ingredients in the burgers can be replaced with other herbs for the desired taste.

(serves 4 people) 

Buckwheat burgers

2,5 dl buckwheat
4 dl sun-dried tomatoes
1 bunch basil
1 yellow onion
1 pinch cayenne pepper
4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

Sea salt to taste
Black and white sesame seeds to the breading (about 1-2 dl)

Let the buckwheat boil (after they have been rinsed) in the double amount of water for about 10 minutes, or until soft. Let them cool down. Then mix all the ingredients until a smooth paste in a blender. Form the paste into small burgers and roll them in sesame seeds. They can either be baked at 170 degrees for 30-40 minutes in the oven, or be fried in the pan. I prefer to use the oven because it is easier and I can use that time to prepare the noodles.

Jerusalem artichoke noodles

10-20 Jerusalem artichokes (depending on how much you want)
150-200 g baby spinach
1-2 cloves of garlic
1-2 lime
2-4 tablespoons tamari sauce

Use either a spiralizer or a potato peeler to cut the
Jerusalem artichokes, and then sprinkle tamari sauce and lime over. Heat a pan with olive oil and minced garlic, then put the Jerusalem artichokes in the hot pan and fry lightly until some of the liquid has evaporated. Finally, stir in baby spinach and remove from pan. Ready to serve!

(4 personer)

Bokhvete burgere

2,5 dl bokhvete
4 dl soltørkede tomater
1 bunt basilikum
1 gul løk
1 knivsodd cayennepepper
4 ss extra virgin olivenolje

Smak til med havsalt
Sorte og hvite sesamfrø til panering (ca 1-2 dl)

Kok bokhveten i dobbel mengde vann i ca 10 minutter, eller til de er myke. La de kjøle seg ned. Miks deretter alle ingrediensene til en jevn røre med en stavmikser eller i en kjøkkenmaskin. Form røren i mindre kuler eller til burgere, og rull de i sesamfrø. De kan enten stekes i ovnen på 170 grader i 30-40 minutter, eller stekes i pannen. Jeg foretrekker å steke de i ovnen fordi man slipper stekeos, samt at tiden kan brukes til å lage nudlene.

10-20 jordskokker (avhengig av hvor mye du ønsker)
150-200 g baby spinat
1-2 fedd hvitløk
1-2 lime
2-4 ss tamari saus

Bruk enten en spiralizer eller en potetskreller for å kutte jordskokken. Bland deretter tamarisaus og lime med jordskokken før steking. Varm en panne med olivenolje og finhakket hvitløk, hell deretter jordskokken over i den varme pannen og la de stekes lett til en del av væsken har fordampet. Til slutt rør inn spinaten og ta av pannen. Klare til servering!

Friday 6 January 2012

Out of Paper gave me a logo

December has passed without much time to prepare food for the blog. I thought to start the new year by showing one of the gifts I got for my birthday just before Christmas - is it not beautiful and wonderful!!?

My very good friend Mette Kaada works as a graphic designer at Out of Paper, and I have always loved her style. She has an extremely good sense of color and form, and all she does falls in the category - exquisite.  

Attached to a kitchen tool she had noticed that I was missing in my green kitchen, she had attached a card with the logo on the front. Can you believe it? Now I absolutely have to continue the blog just to honor this logo and my friend;) Thank you Mette for pushing me forward with such a stamp on my little veggie blog. Love u!

Friday 2 December 2011

Salt & Pepper Oatmeal Biscuit

Inspired by a biscuit I got the other day I threw together a little oatmeal, some olive oil, sea salt, pepper and water. The result was these delicious biscuits. If you fancy something good tonight, try this recipe, and please add a little oregano, thyme and garlic if you have some.




8 dl rolled oats
2 dl extra virgin olive oil
3 dl water
4 tablespoons flaxseed
2-3 teaspoons sea salt
2-3 teaspoons coarsely ground black pepper
Sesame seeds to sprinkle on top

Preheat the oven to 160 degrees. Mix all the ingredients except sesame seeds in a bowl. Allow to swell some minutes, and then mix to a dough with a hand blender. Spread the mixture over a baking tray covered with baking paper. Use baking paper to spread the dough out, it works better than a spatula since the mix is a bit porous.
Sprinkle some sesame seeds over. For round biscuits use a glass to cut rings in the batter. For squares use a pizza cutter to divide into squares before putting the tray into the oven. Let bake for 30 minutes, then turn off the oven and slide the biscuits onto a wire rack, and let stand in the oven until they are cooled.


8 dl havregryn
2 dl ekstra virgin olivenolje
3 dl vann
4 ss linfrø
2-3 ts havsalt
2-3 ts grovmalt sort pepper
Sesamfrø til å strø på toppen

Sett ovnen på 160 grader. Miks alle ingrediensene utenom sesamfrø i en bolle. La blandingen trekke noen minutter, og miks deretter til en deig med en stavmikser. Bre blandingen utover en stekeplate dekket med bakepapir. Bruk et bakepapir til å smøre deigen utover, det fungerer bedre enn med en slikkepott siden miksen er litt porøs. Deretter strø sesamfrø over. Hvis du vil ha runde kjeks bruk et glass til å kutte ringer i deigen. For firkanter bruk en pizzakutter til å dele inn i ruter før du setter brettet inn i ovnen. La steke i 30 minutter. Slå deretter av ovnen og skyv kjeksene over på en rist, og la stå i ovnen til de er kjølnet.