Friday, 6 January 2012

Out of Paper gave me a logo

December has passed without much time to prepare food for the blog. I thought to start the new year by showing one of the gifts I got for my birthday just before Christmas - is it not beautiful and wonderful!!?

My very good friend Mette Kaada works as a graphic designer at Out of Paper, and I have always loved her style. She has an extremely good sense of color and form, and all she does falls in the category - exquisite.  

Attached to a kitchen tool she had noticed that I was missing in my green kitchen, she had attached a card with the logo on the front. Can you believe it? Now I absolutely have to continue the blog just to honor this logo and my friend;) Thank you Mette for pushing me forward with such a stamp on my little veggie blog. Love u!


  1. gotta love this! Vakre linjer, farger og font.. namnam og god helg!
