Thursday 10 November 2011

Raspberry-Mousse experiment

The basis for this experiment was some breakfast cakes I made a few days ago from "Ani´s Raw Food Kitchen". They were very good, but a little too sweet for my breakfast taste. I thought however that they would make a perfect cake bottom. So after I applied the batter into a baking tin and put it in the freezer, the plan was to make some kind of cake, some day. And today I had a good reason for it to be made as my friend would stay for dinner.

The filling on the cake was planned in the shop today in close collaboration with my friend and colleague. We envisaged that the filling would solidify so that we could easily cut out a piece of cake, but the result was eventually closer to a rasberry mousse, with the bottom cut up to some sort of biscuits. But who cares about the shape as long as the taste is good ? Not us, at least not today.. Most importantly, the mousse turned out to be very good, and so did the biscuits along with it!

Recipe Breakfast Cakes turned into biscuits:

5 dl crushed flaxseed
2 tablespoons extra-virgin coconut oil
1 dl agave
1 / 2 teaspoon sea salt
0.5 dl water

Mix all the ingredients together with a hand blender into a smooth paste (might need a tiny bit more water),
and pat it in a desired baking tin (a relatively small one). Put in the freezer and take it out for a desired opportunity. 

Recipe Rasberry-Mousse:

150 g soaked cashew nuts
350 g fresh raspberries (frozen are also fine)
1 tablespoon of agar agar (dissolved in 1 cup water)
1 tablespoon of lecithin
1 fresh lime

1-2 dl water 

Soak the cashew nuts for 1 hour or preferably 2 (while you make and eat dinner for example). When done soaking, pour the water off the nuts. Carefully boil up 1 dl of water mixed with the agar agar until the agar has dissolved. Mix all the ingredients in a food processor, adding 1 dl of water in addition to the agar agar. Let mousse solidify for 10 minutes. Serve alone or with the cake-biscuits.

Oppskrift Frokost kaker omgjort til kakebunn

5 dl knuste linfrø
2 ss ekstra virgin kokos olje
1 dl agave
1/2 ts havsalt
0,5 dl vann

Bland alle ingrediensene til en jevn masse med en stavmikser. Legg massen i en ønsket kakeform og glatt ut i bunn (i en forholdsvis liten form). Sett i fryseren og ta frem til en ønsket anledning. Kutt i strimler eller andre former du liker.

Oppskrift Bringebær-Mousse:

150 g bløtlagte cashew nøtter
350 g ferske bringebær (frosne går sikkert også fint)
1 ss agar agar (løst opp i 1 dl vann)
1 ss lecitin
1 ferskpresset lime 

1-2 dl vann

Bløtlegg cashwnøttene i 1 time eller gjerne 2 (mens du lager og spiser middag f.eks). Deretter hell vannet av nøttene. Kok forsiktig opp 1 dl vann sammen med agar agar til agaren har løst seg opp. Miks så alle ingrediensene i en kjøkken maskin med ytterligere 1 dl vann. La moussen stivne i 10 minutter. Server alene eller sammen med kake-kjeksene.  

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