Saturday 22 October 2011

Gluten and dairy free pistachios and berry pie

I'm so lucky to have a very good friend who has exactly the same food preferences as myself, and when we cook together, a new lovely dish always comes out of it. This summer we went to her house in the Lofoten Islands and was so fortunate to be there in the middle of the season for "Krekling" - a berry that grows in northern climes. Krekling has a slightly tart flavor, and compared with other berries, has been little used in the household in Norway. They have been somewhat more used by the natives in North America and the Eskimos in Greenland, but we decided to introduce this berry in the kitchen and made a pie. The crust is inspired by Cannelle et Vanille's Gluten and Dairy Free Apricot and Pistachio Clafoutis, but we made a few changes. When the pie was served to neighbors and friends, it was very well welcomed, and we manage to eat the whole lot.
I took this recipe out again now to make a Sunday pie, and thought it would fit here on the blog. Now I had to replace Krekling with blueberries and pear, but it tasted just as good.


1/3 cup shelled and unsalted pistachios
3 eggs (or 3 tabelspoons of lecitin and 3 tablespoons og psyllum husk if you dont want to use egg)
1/2 cup agavenectar or natural cane sugar (best suited if you want to use egg)
1/4 tabelspoon of vanillaseeds
1 1/4 cup organic coconut milk
1 tablespoon extra virgin coconut oil or ghee 

2 medium pears
1 cup blueberries

Preheat the oven to 400F (200C).
If you want to use psyllum husk instead of eggs, simply mix the psyllum husk with the coconut milk and let it swell, while you grind the pistachios in the food processor to a fine powder. Add all the dry ingrediens with the pistachio powder. Poor in the agavenectar with the coconut milk, and finally whisk in all the dry ingredents in the milk mixture. It might be that you need to add in a bit more coconutmilk if it gets to thick with the psyllum husk.

If you want to use egg, whisk it together with the cane sugar and vanilla seeds. Then add in the pistachio powder and stir it until smooth. Then add coconut milk and coconutoil.

Arrange the pears in the greased dish and poor the custard over. Then poor in your blueberries.

Bake until center is set - approximately 30 minutes.


80 g usaltede pistasjnøtter
3 egg (eller 3 ss lecitin og 3 ss og fiberhusk hvis du ikke ønsker å bruke egg)
1 dl agavenectar eller 100 g naturlig rørsukker (passer best hvis du skal bruke egg)
1 ts vaniljefrø 

3/4 boks økologisk kokosmelk
1 ss ekstra virgin kokosolje eller ghee
2 middels pærer
2 dl blåbær

Forvarm ovnen til 200 grader.  

Hvis du ønsker å bruke fiberhusk istedet for egg, bare bland fiberhusk med kokosmelk og la det svelle, mens du maler pistasjenøtter i en foodprosessor til et fint pulver. Bland alle de tørre ingrediensene med pistasjepulver. Balnd agavenectar med kokosmelken, og til slutt visp inn alle de tørre ingrediensene. 
Hvis du ønsker å bruke egg, visp det sammen med rårørsukker og vanilje frø. Deretter tilsetter du pistasjepulveret og rør til en jevn blanding. Bland deretter inn kokosmelk og kokosolje.

Legg pærene i en smurt ildfast form og hell røren over. Dryss deretter blåbær over.

La steke ca 30 minutter.

Happily enjoying the midnight sun in the Midnight Sun Bar(n) after a lovely pie

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