Friday 28 October 2011

Raw apple chutney on a quinoa curry


An organic apple a day keeps the doctor away, and now in the fall the apples are at their best. Pick them and use them to make a delicious apple smoothie, pie, or like me - apple chutney. Chutney awaken the tastebuds and lift the other flavors in a dish. It complements the meal by adding the flavors sweet, sour and salty. Traditionally ​​chutney is made by boiling apple or mango with a little salt, sugar, ginger and lemon. I wanted to try a raw version using the juicer. If you do not have a juicer, you can try to create a slightly different variation using a hand blender. I would then press the lemon by hand and then mix the other ingredients together with the hand blender.

I thought it would fit to serve this chutney with quinoa and walnuts.

Recipe Apple Chutney:

2 apples
1 / 2 lemon
1 piece of ginger (I like to use a lot, but adjust according to how strong you like it)
1 teaspoon honey
1 pinch sea salt

Recipe quinoa (2 persons):

2 dl quionoa
1 yellow bell pepper
1 tablespoon turmeric
tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
Taste with seasalt and black pepper

Boil quiona as directed on package. While the quinoa is cooking, start with the chutney. Juice the apples (leave half an apple to cut into cubes and mix into the end), lemon and ginger. Add sea salt, honey and apple pieces in the pressed juice.

Finely chop the peppers and walnuts and add to the quinoa when it is fully cooked. Stir in tumeric, sea salt and extra virgin olive oil. Pour the apple chutney over the quinoa curry and garnish with a little fresh coriander.

Oppskrift Eple Chutney:

2 epler
1/2 sitron
1 bit ingefær  (jeg liker å bruke mye, men tilpass etter ønsket styrke)
1 ts honning
1 klype havsalt

Oppskrift quinoa:

2 dl quionoa
1 gul paprika
1 ss gurkemeie
2 ss ekstra virgin olivenolje
Smaksett med havsalt og pepper

Kok opp quiona som anvist på pakningen. Mens quinoaen koker, begynn med chutneyen. Juice eplene (la det være igjen et halvt eple som kuttes i terninger og blandes inn på slutten), sitronen og ingefæren. Tilsett havsalt, honning og eplebitene i juicepresset.

Finhakk paprika og valnøtter og tilsett quinoaen når den er ferdig kokt. Rør inn gurkemeie, havsalt og olivenolje. Hell til slutt over eple chutney, og pynt med litt fersk koriander.

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