Monday 24 October 2011

True Blood for vegan vampires

After being on the go from 6 o´clock this morning I had to make a quick fix in the kitchen tonight. Looking in the fridge I only had some beets left that could be made into something (somewhat similar to what Sookie Stackhouse would serve at the bar).. With beetroots as the main ingredient True Blood is an appropriate name for this souplike dish. 

Beetroot juice is associated with human blood, and for its blood forming abilities. Because of its high content of iron it is really good for vegetarians and vegans to boost the regeneration of red blood cells. Iron makes sure that the supplies of fresh oxygen is distributed to all the cells in the body. Drinking beetroot juice is also found to boost stamina. A study conducted in the UK suggested that drinking beetroot juice could make people exercise for up to 16% longer, and making exercise less tiring.

With the combination of beetroot, lemon, avokado and some chili, it can´t really go wrong with the taste either. The soup is to be continude and finetuned, but still this is something you can build upon for so long.

Recipe (1 pers):

2 beetroot
1 lemon
1 avocado
1/2 red chili
1 tabelsppon kummen
1 tablespoon tumeric
1 piece of ginger
2-4 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
Seasalt to taste

Put the beets, lemon and ginger in the juicer (or use organic beetroot juice premade). Then mix the juice and all the other ingredints in the food processor until its mixed to a smooth soup. It would taste even nicer with some roasted pinenuts or pumkinseeds for garnish.

Oppskrift (1 pers):

2 rødbeter 

1 sitron 
1 avokado 
1 / 2 rød chili 
1 ss kummen 
1 ss gurkemeie 
1 bit ingefær (størrelsen avhenger hvor sterk du vil ha den) 
2-4 ss ekstra virgin olivenolje
Smak til med havsalt

Press rødbeter, sitron og ingefær i en juicer (eller kjøp økologisk rødbetjuice). Bland så juice og alle de andre ingrediensene i en kjøkkenmaskin og miks til en jevn suppe. Det ville nok smake enda bedre med ristede (eller rå) pinjekjerner eller gresskarkjerner som garnityr.

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