Monday 31 October 2011

Creamy Lentil-Carrot Soup

When it is cold outside, and I have the time and opportunity I like to make a hot lunch. Today was such a day, as I have time off from work to get going with my master thesis. With the stove in the immediate reach I quickly put together one of my favorite dishes. It takes about 10 minutes to throw it together, and you can use different kinds of vegetables and herbs in it. 

The base consists of red lentils that are rinsed and boiled. If you have trouble digesting lentils, it may be because they are not rinsed well enough. I always use fresh herbs and vegetables of various kinds, and I like to keep them raw, at least some of it. This time I took what was in the fridge, which was carrots, parsley and tomatoes. For an extra creamy and full taste add coconut milk, or extra virgin coconut oil. You don´t have to follow this recipe as long as you have lentils, some kind of extra virgin fresh oil, some vegetables and some spices that you like. Here is just a variation I made today.

Recipe (1-2 person):

2 dl red lentils (cooked with a double amount of water)
1-2 carrots
1 / 2 chili
1 / 2 lime
A piece of ginger
1 / 2 tablespoon turmeric
1 tablespoon kummen
A small bunch parsley
Some tomatoes
2-4 tablespoons extra virgin coconut oil / olive oil / ghee
Taste with sea salt and black pepper

Bring the lentils to a boil with double amount of water. You might have to add more water if it boils dry. Towards the end of the cooking time you can see if you want a thin or thick soup, and add water accordingly. Boil the carrots and ginger along with the lentils. When the lentils disintegrate after about 10 minutes, pull the pan from the heat and add the oil or coconut milk, lime, chili and spices. Mix everything together with a hand blender to the consistency is creamy. Pour in to bowls, and cut up tomatoes and parsley to add on top. Serve with a kind of crackers or bread if you like it.


2 dl røde linser (kokes med dobbel mengde vann)
1-2 gulrøtter
1/2 chili
1/2 lime
En bit ingefær
1/2 ss gurkemeie
1 ss kummen
En liten bunt bladpersille
Noen tomater
2-4 ss extra virgin kokosolje / olivenolje / ghee
Smaksett med havsalt og sort pepper

Kok opp linsene i dobbel mengde vann. Her må du følge med litt og mulig tilsette mer vann hvis det koker bort. Mot slutten av koketiden kan du se om du ønsker en tynn eller tykk suppe, og tilsette vann deretter. Kok gulrøttene  og ingefæren sammen med linsene. Når linsene går i oppløsning etter ca 10 min, trekker du kjelen av platen, tilsetter oljen eller kokosmelken, lime, chili og krydder. Miks alt sammen med en stavmikser til konsistensen er kremete. Hell opp i skåler og kutt opp tomater og bladpersille til å legge på toppen. Server gjerne med et slags knekkebrød eller brød hvis du liker det.

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